Officer 2, Research & Development

  • Kurinci
  • Bracell
Desenvolva sua carreira conoscoVocê está prestes a ingressar em uma incrível jornada para melhorar milhares de vidas através do desenvolvimento de recursos de forma sustentável e fazer parte da nossa história de sucesso. Aqui, nós oferecemos um ambiente de trabalho dinâmico onde você poderá fortalecer as habilidades que irão enriquecer sua trajetória profissional.Resumo das funções: ​Research & Development in Eucalyptus tree improvement, executing projects related to breeding orchards (field and indoor), controlled pollination, progenies field trials, clonal field trials, selections, propagation, leaf and wood sampling, trials assessment, P&D monitoring and G x E interactions.Responsabilidades: ​Trial Establishment:Choose area and prepare for plotting trial Establishmentant,Prepare a compartment map selected.Evaluate the suitability of the land for the trial according to the land criteria for each of the intended trialsCoordinate with the Plantation division to make trial area requestsCoordinate with the Planning division to make R&D compartments (PCCR)Ensure that the plotting done by the technician is in accordance with the design of the trialEnsure that each plot has been marked according to the randomization of the trialCoordinate with the Research Nursery division regarding planting material readinessPlan material retrieval and preparation (Racking) material in accordance with the design of the trialSupervise and ensure the planting of trial according to the design and planting material that has been determinedEnsure the application of fertilization in accordance with existing standard proceduresMake a plan for a census of dead plants on trial and coordinate with Research Nursery to prepare a replacement plantMake a report on the status of the trial planting activities to be registered to Sr. OfficerTrial Maintenance:Conduct area survey and check Maintanance trial areaEnsuring standard P3K equipment complies with safety rulesconsumables, chemicals, and work equipment according to needEnsure that the trial maintenance works according to the work scheduleCoordinate with the plantation division for trial maintenance carried out by the plantation divisionMake herbicide material requests as needed for trial maintenance according to scheduleSupervise the trials that have been conducted by Chemistry MaintananceReport the results and quality of trial maintenance to Sr. OfficerMake and check the daily labor supply report in accordance with the achievementTrial Measurement (Ass Regular ):Make plan for trial measurement based on ATI ScheduleCheck first aid kit according to safety rulesEnsuring the availability of measuring devices under standard conditionsEnsure all necessary procedures, WI, and forms are available at work (Data has been downloaded on a mobile tablet)Doing the distribution of job forteam measurementEnsure that the measurement work of the trial matches the specified targetVerifying and checking the results of measurement trials before submitting them to data managementIdentify good plot and good clone in the trial and reporting to Sr. Officer and program Leadermake attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityP&D AssesmentMake plan for trial measurement based on ATI ScheduleCheck first aid kit according to safety rulesEnsuring the availability of measuring devices under standard conditionsEnsure all necessary procedures, WI, and forms are available at work (Data has been downloaded on a mobile tablet)Ensure that the P&D Assessment Team carries a Pest and Disease handbookDoing the distribution of job forteam measurementdentifying treat trials that have pests or diseases that exceed the threshold of the attackIdentify problems encountered during the P&D assessment and provide solutionsVerifying and Checking the results of the trial P&D Assessment before it is submitted to data managementMake the attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityTrial Selection in CFT,PFT,FBP, and Operational plantingMake Plan for selection best Clone and Tree selection plus tree from ATI SchedulePrepare data and equipment for selection (Trial data analiys, Trial Map, Diameter tape, Dbh, Plus Tree assessment form, Pens, markers, Labels and GPS)Prepare the plus tree selection form and check the trial trial map before data collection in the fieldDo assesment and givea plus tree score according to the work instructions given (Height, Dbh,Crown size, Etc)Re-check the selection results before submitting to senior assistantsMake report for trial selection and register RPT number to data base tree improvementCheck and provide standard first aid kits according to safety rulesDecapitation on selected Clones and Plus treeMake plan for decapitation selected clones and plus treeCheck and provide standard first aid kits according to safety rulesEnsure for Preparing data and equipment for the felling of plus trees in good Condition (Chainsaw, Sawkept, Earplug, Helmets, mixed gasoline, and chain oil)Ensure the decapitation of selected tree in accordance with the given instructional standardsMake progress report of decapitation activityMake the attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityMaintenance of coppiceMake plan for coppice maintenance scheduleEnsure all stump sprouting maintenance wellMake plan forchemicha request and record material used in maintenance activityMake progress report of maintenance activityEnsure maintenance activity in accordance with the given instructional standardsMake progress report of maintenance coppice activityMake the attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityCoppice Collection (CFT,CSI,CBH,Plantation)Make plan for coppice collection scheduleEnsure all stump sprouting harvest on time with standard sproutCommunication with Nursery about coppice collection planEnsure the bag of coppice using barcodeEnsure maintenance activity in accordance with the given instructional standardsMake progress report of coppice collection activityMake the attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityFlower CollectionMake plan for Flower collection scheduleEnsure flower collection based on list of requirementCheck and provide standard first aid kits according to safety rulesMake progress report of flower collection activityEnsure flower collection activity in accordance with the given instructional standardsMake progress report of flower collection activityMake the attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityFlower Monitoring from best parent in the filedMake plan for Flower monitoring scheduleEnsure flower monitoring based on list of requirementCheck and provide standard first aid kits according to safety rulesMake progress report of flower monitoring activityEnsure flower monitoring activity in accordance with the given instructional standardsMake progress report of flower monitoring activityMake the attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityCapsule Collection from best parent in the fieldMake plan for Capsule collection scheduleEnsure capsule collection based on list of requirementCheck and provide standard first aid kits according to safety rules (Body Hardness)Make progress report of capsule collection activityEnsure capsule collection activity in accordance with the given instructional standardsMake progress report of capsule collection activityMake the attendance report of the contractor labour in accordance with the achievement of their productivityControl Pollination ProgramPhenology survey: Check and provide data of Phenology survey in CBA01, CBA03, and IBOCrossing matrix : Determine crossing matrix / combination based on condition flower in orchard and annual crossing targetPollination activity: Make sure the pollination was conducted in the right procedureFlower Retention Monitoring : Monitor and provide data controlled pollination recovery in CBAs and IBOCapsules harvest: Monitor matured capsules to be harvested in right time and provide the data in databaseSeed Handling: Monitor the seeds to be good handled, the data was completely inputted in database (Stigma), and then dispatch the seedsPollen Handling: Coordinate with RO in sector about total pollen is needed also monitor the pollen to be good handled and the data was completely inputed in databaseGermination test: Conduct germination test to know the viability of pollen before useOtherLeaf sampling for Project,DNA intergrityWood SamplingRequisitos: ​To oversee accurate implementation of all Acacia Tree Improvement field activities. To assist the Research Technician in achieving all Acacia Tree Improvement activities as per annual plan of operations, on time.Areas of responsibility:Set up a research plan in accordance with the company’s needsManage the establishment, maintenance and measurement of field tests according to the annual plan of operations, and is responsible for the quality and timeous completion of each taskCompile all data sets and files, verification of data accuracy and make continuous and accurate progress reportsDo regular quality checks on equipment and inventory used to achieve field work goalsGuide and mentor technicians and researchers with daily operationsKeep in contact with scientific society and regularly update him or herself with updated scientific informationTakes responsibility for own and team’s health and safety during daily operationsQuando você nos envia seu currículo e dados pessoais, está nos dando seu consentimento para mantermos suas informações em nosso banco de talentos. Todas as informações fornecidas serão utilizadas apenas para o processo de recrutamento. A RGE somente coletará, usará, processará ou divulgará informações pessoais de acordo com as leis vigentes.Apenas os candidatos pré-selecionados serão contatados para entrevista. Nós nos esforçamos para responder a todos apesar do alto volume de inscrições que recebemos. No entanto, se você não receber um retorno da nossa equipe dentro de 60 dias, favor considerar a sua candidatura para essa posição sem êxito. Podemos entrar em contato com você no futuro para outras oportunidades que tenham correspondência com suas qualificações e experiência.Obrigado por considerar desenvolver sua carreira na RGE.#LI-DNI #APRIL